Mountain Directory: Do not drive without it


Mountain Directory: A Guide For Truckers, RV And Motorhome Drivers

The Mountain Directory comes in book form and an interactive eBook. Meaning, when you open your eBook and locate the map you want, you can click on the YELLOW triangle. You will immediately get the necessary information about the road. This eBook is a must-have for all Truckers, RV and Motorhome Drivers.

mountain directory

The Mountain Directory Ebooks!

This mountain directory is truly a must have.  It is: VITAL INFORMATION FOR ANYONE DRIVING A LARGE OR HEAVY VEHICLE

From steep grades in the roads, to tight fits and alternative travel directions, this mountain directory is here to help make mountain driving a little safer for truckers and RV’ers. The publishers, R&R Publishing Inc. has been documenting, collecting and mountain directorypublishing information about mountain passes and steep grades ongoing. It has been at it since 1993. The Mountain Directory Ebooks literally gives the locations and descriptions of over 720 mountain passes and steep grades in 22 states.

Therefore the Mountain Directory ebooks inform and locate where the steep grades are. Besides that they show how long they are and how steep (percentage wise) they are. Be informed on whether the road is two lanes, three lanes, or four lanes.  It shows if there are escape ramps, switchbacks, sharp curves, speed limits, etc. With this information; you will know ahead of time what a pass is like and make an informed decision. You can decide based on the information whether to go over or around. If you decide to go over, perhaps the cool morning hours would ease the strain on the engine and transmission during the climb. Unhooking the towed vehicle would make the climb and the descent easier. Knowing what lies ahead is half the battle.Go here to continue reading!

This mountain directory comes with incredible reviews. “RVers often have problems with mountain grades. Both going up and coming down. It’s helpful to be warned when a steep grade is coming up, and that’s just what the two Mountain Directories do.” Coast to Coast


Book Introduction:

mountain directoryThere is an old saying among over-the-road truckers. “There are two kinds of drivers — those who’ve been in trouble on a mountain grade, and those who will be.” Unfortunately, this also applies to many RVers. Trucks and RVs have similar problems regarding weight, engine power, and braking in mountainous terrain.

Imagine yourself descending a mountain grade in your RV. You didn’t know there was such a long, steep grade on this highway. What a surprise! And things are not going well. You have a white-knuckle grip on the steering wheel. The engine is not holding back all of this weight, the brakes are smelling hot or even smoking, you’re pushing harder on the brake pedal but your speed keeps increasing. All you can see ahead is more mountain. While your mind is racing through all of the available options ………….”  Go Here to Read More

mountain directoryThe purpose of this book is not to discourage drivers from going where they please.  It is to inform them of the conditions they may encounter and to encourage them to make sure their equipment is in good repair. Brakes must be in good working order and properly adjusted and the engine and transmission should be used to slow the vehicle whenever possible, thus saving the brakes and keeping them cool enough to retain their stopping power. The engine’s cooling system should be in good repair to prevent overheating during the climbs. Turning off the air conditioner during climbs and turning on the heater will help dissipate heat from the engine.

Introducing the Mountain Directory Ebooks! Get them today and be prepared for your ventures. Nothing can ruin your day faster than taking the wrong way with a huge rig.



Travel with safety – safety from knowledge and information about navigating through the Mountain Grades and Terrain.